Royal envoy 3 level 62
Royal envoy 3 level 62

Total at end of level: 8 workers 6 cottages 6 upgraded 1 sawmill 1 market *Play Now at GameHouse: Support our work on channel a) with your time by clicking on ads b) by subscribing Thank you!

Royal envoy 3 level 62 upgrade#

Name: Sunny Island Level 8 Goals: 6 Upgraded Cottages 1 Market 1 Sawmill TiggerTips: i) Build market produce 250 food build 2 cottages upgrade 1 cottage ii) Feed glutton build sawmill iii) Build 2 upgraded cottages upgrade cottage iv) Build bridge upgrade 2 cottages. Royal Envoy 3 - Expert Level 8 Walkthrough A play-through of Royal Envoy 3* Expert Level 8. Total at end of level: 7 workers 6 cabins 6 upgraded *Play Now at GameHouse: Support our work on channel a) with your time by clicking on ads b) by subscribing Thank you! Name: Sunny Island Level 7 Goals: 6 Upgraded Houses of any type 7,000 Gold TiggerTips: i) Build market build sawmill build 2 upgraded cabins ii) Replace market with upgraded cabin build bridge iii) Build 3 upgraded cabins demolish sawmill. Royal Envoy 3 - Expert Level 7 Walkthrough A play-through of Royal Envoy 3* Expert Level 7. Total at end of level: 13 workers 2 cabins 2 upgraded 6 cottages 6 upgraded 1 market *Play Now at GameHouse: Support our work on channel a) with your time by clicking on ads b) by subscribing Thank you! Name: Sunny Island Level 6 Goals: Repair all the Houses 500 Food TiggerTips: i) Build bridge to woodlots build 3 bridges to forestries repair and upgrade cabins ii) Build bridge to cottages repair 6 cottages build market iii) Upgrade 6 cottages produce 2 batches of 250 food. Royal Envoy 3 - Expert Level 6 Walkthrough A play-through of Royal Envoy 3* Expert Level 6. Total at end of level: 8 workers 5 cottages 5 upgraded *Play Now at GameHouse: Support our work on channel a) with your time by clicking on ads b) by subscribing Thank you! Name: Sunny Island Level 5 Goals: 5 Cottages 3,000 Gold TiggerTips: i) Build market upgrade cottage build north bridge demolish sawmill ii) Upgrade cottage build 3 upgraded cottages demolish market. Royal Envoy 3 - Expert Level 5 Walkthrough A play-through of Royal Envoy 3* Expert Level 5. Total at end of level: 8 workers 6 cabins 6 upgraded 1 market *Play Now at GameHouse: Support our work on channel a) with your time by clicking on ads b) by subscribing Thank you! i) Upgrade 3 cabins build southwest bridge build 2 upgraded cabins ii) Build northeast bridge build market iii) Build center bridge build 1 upgraded cabin. Name: Forest Valley Level 4 Goals: 1 Market 8 Workers 6 Upgraded Cabins TiggerTips: Only recruit 2 additional workers at the beginning and use the additional 50 food for cabin production. Royal Envoy 3 - Expert Level 4 Walkthrough A play-through of Royal Envoy 3* Expert Level 4.

royal envoy 3 level 62 royal envoy 3 level 62

Total at end of level: 5 workers 5 cabins 5 upgraded 1 sawmill *Play Now at GameHouse: Support our work on channel a) with your time by clicking on ads b) by subscribing Thank you!

royal envoy 3 level 62

Name: Forest Valley Level 3 Goals: 1 Sawmill 5 Upgraded Cabins Pick all Food from the bushes TiggerTips: i) Build 2 upgraded cabins build sawmill ii) Build north bridge build 2 upgraded cabins iii) Build southwest bridge repair and upgrade cabin iv) Build southeast bridge.

royal envoy 3 level 62

Royal Envoy 3 - Expert Level 3 Walkthrough A play-through of Royal Envoy 3* Expert Level 3. Name: Forest Valley Level 2 Goals: 5 Workers 1,000 Gold Total at end of level: 5 workers 4 cabins 4 upgraded *Play Now at GameHouse: Support our work on channel a) with your time by clicking on ads b) by subscribing Thank you! Royal Envoy 3 - Expert Level 2 Walkthrough A play-through of Royal Envoy 3* Expert Level 2. Total at end of level: 6 workers 6 cabins 6 upgraded *Play Now at GameHouse: Support our work on channel a) with your time by clicking on ads b) by subscribing Thank you! Name: Forest Valley Level 1 Goals: 6 Cabins 1,000 Gold TiggerTips: i) Hire a worker first. Royal Envoy 3 - Expert Level 1 Walkthrough A play-through of Royal Envoy 3* Expert Level 1.

Royal envoy 3 level 62