A player who signs at age 22 or younger may continue to occupy a U22 Initiative Slot through the year in which he turns 25, provided that for non-Homegrown players, such player is on his initial contract.

For avoidance of doubt, an International Player may not be converted to a Domestic Player if he receives permanent residency after the Roster Compliance Date (Feb.
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ET) shall be considered an International Player and must occupy an international roster slot on a Canadian club's roster for the full season. Domestic Player or a Canadian Domestic Player by the Roster Compliance date (Feb. Canada-based clubs: Any player who does not qualify as a U.S.For avoidance of doubt, an International Player may not be converted to a Domestic Player if he receives a green card after the Roster Compliance Date (Feb. ET) shall be considered an International Player and must occupy an international roster slot on a U.S. U.S.-based clubs: Any player who does not qualify as a U.S.